Keeping on top of things
I know it's been a very long time since my last post, however I hope to be back posting twice a week at least from now onwards, I think you'll find this post relates to my absence! Keeping on top of things in life has previously been bane of my life, however after taking a step back and doing these simple things, it’s helped me hugely! I hope these 8 tips can help you just as much they've helped me to make lif9e that littlest me stress free!
- List making -I often find that i get stressed out when things pile up as i'm constantly losing track of what I need to do and it just becomes too overwhelming. I find it easiest to make a to do list in order of priority, this will help you enormously with managing everything in life!
- Having a stress free environment - for many of you may it be homework, essays or even work related tasks, If you’re working environment is cluttered and dull its easy for your mind to wonder from the task you started with begin with. try brightening up your room, even simply clearing your desk, and opening a window and your curtains can boost your attitude and productivity that little bit more!
- Give yourself a reward -this may seem silly however i find that allowing myself an hour of wasting time on social media or even ordering a dominos after I've ticked off a few things from the list gives me motivation. If you know that you're working towards something it motivates you to complete the task.
- Rid of distractions - this seems liken obvious one to simply jus place your phone in another room meaning you’re less likely to be distracted by that, most of you like myself are too lazy to travel the whole few metres to the next room to grab your phone I'm guessing.
- Listen to music - I’m aware that for many people this can be distracting but for some people it just works for them. I find that listening to upbeat music keeps me in a positive mood when completing tasks.
- Tell other people - This is something so simple that not many people think to do. By telling other people that you need to stay focused for importst tasks , such as friends or family, they can help to ensure that you're not distracted by leaving you be for an hour or so.
- don’t leave it all to the last minute - I know we’re all guilty of this, I am myself, it’s so easy to leave all important tasks until the last minute, however this only leads to stress and poor quality within whatever yore doing! spread your list throughout the week and make achievable for youself, you're only human!
- don’t restrict! Don’t refuse yourself time to socialise or have fun when you’re not busy, Yes there are important tasks in life but when you get time to yourself, spend it wisely and have soe fun and relax!
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