Saturday, 21 March 2015

How I Clean My Makeup Brushes


One thing we all avoid is cleaning our makeup brushes, every girl is guilty of this. Not cleaning your makeup brushes is not only damaging for the brushes, but also on your skin. Our makeup brushes harbour oil, dirt and millions of disgusting bacteria which can damage the fibres of the brush but also tend to cause breakouts. I opt for a method that makes cleaning my makeup brushes straightforward and simple, and is also inexpensive.

All that's needed is washing up liquid ( Any of your preference) and olive oil. mix the two in a bowl and add a splash of water. Take your brushes individually and dip them into the soulution, then, using the palm of your hand, swirl the brushes into your palm; This will deeply cleanse the brush. Once you've cleansed all the brushes with the solution wash them individually. When washing them run them under a cold tap and swirl them in your palm once again, to ensure all of the solution and dirt is removed from your brush squeeze from the neck to the tip of the brush, do this until the liquid runs clear. Once both of these steps have been completed lay your brushes flat on a paper towel and leave to air dry. Once they have been left over night they should feel super soft and clean. Then all that's left to do Is store them how you regularly do!

I find this method cleans my brushes thoroughly and leaves a pleasant scent (depending on your choice of washing up liquid). I hope you found this helpful!


  1. these are great tips, thanks for posting!

    xo, Liz

  2. That's okay! Hope this helped!x

  3. Never thought about cleaning them I must admit. But need some new ones anyway so I am going to wait for that;-)

    1. You never realise how dirty your brushes are until you clean them! Me too! I'm looking to invest in some new brushes but I cant decide which brand to purchase yet, I'm thinking about purchasing a Zoeva Brush Set x


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