I would like to credit Mika Francis for this post, she is an incredible inspiration and has provided me the insight into how to gain happiness and its true importance. Her video the 31 day challenge has inspired me for this post and her challenge has changed my life to say the least.
Thankyou Mika!
It's something we tend to often overlook or class as over rated or 'to only be found in movies'. As human's we're trained from a young age that happiness is not a constant emotion nor is sadness. However, far too many of us accept a lack of happiness; Using various excuses of 'people have worse problems than me' 'life could be worse'. Why should we accept sadness when we control our happiness in life and those who have an influence on the happiness in our life.
Happiness is an experience and emotion that everyone is entitled to, discovering the way to happiness in your life takes one step. That step is quite frankly to 'just do it'. If you hate your job, leave, find what makes you happy, why should we live our existence pleasing others or living the lives we were taught to lead. Although for many people this may not be as simple as it seem's there is always a way to work around it. You deserve to be happy and to live a life full of memories and experiences. When the end of our time on this earth comes, no longer do we appreciate the expensive jewellery or the lavish car that we received as a gift, we remember the memories. The very day you received the jewellery and the emotion you felt. It is not the materialistic possessions in life that we remember, it is the memories that come with it. So why not live a life of memorable moments, save and go to the incredible destination that you've been dreaming of for years upon years, turn the dreams that you once thought would never happen into a reality.
Happiness of those around you plays such a significant role, yet day in day out we ignore the simple opportunities to inject happiness into others days. Simply hold a door open for a stranger, compliment someone on something you'd usually glance at briefly and internally appreciate. I'm not a believer of alway's putting others before yourself however, you will find that providing those around you with happiness in the simplest forms changes your mood. Such a small action can go such a long way. Sadly, many of us tend to forget this in the 21st century that has been infiltrated with the poison of 'how many instagram likes can I get' or 'If i get the new iPhone will people envy me'. Impressing those around us is nothing compared to brightening the lives of those around us. One of the most important purposes of our lives is to live life, which I believe is found in happiness. A life without happiness isn't living.
And lastly, the poisonous relationships in our lives. We're programmed to lust what is no good for us. We hold onto the poisonous relationships in our lives as we worry of crumbling without them. In reality we fear the thought of becoming our own person with purpose, without this person regardless of the relationship between the two. To love yourself is one of the most important things in my opinion, you should never rely on someone else or allow them to effect your ability to love yourself. Learn to appreciate and enjoy company, not depend.